2 thoughts on “China, here we come

  1. Hi Emma, I’d like to thank you for delivering such a beautiful book for kids. My daughter read your book, then many times she said to me “Dad, I really like this book, this one is the best one in all books I read” I can feel her happiness showed from her heart.
    I’m looking forward to your new book and Chinese version of it.

    Hua Wang

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Hua Wang,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I am delighted to hear that your daughter enjoyed reading Malkin Moonlight so much and that it was her favourite book. That means the world to me. I am so glad the story touched her heart.

      Please send her all my love, and a Moon Present 🌙 of gentleness and kindness to stay with her forever.

      With lots of love,



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